

UCL Day Nursery


Opening Hours

The UCL Day Nursery is open for approximately 48 weeks per year and closes at normal UCL closure periods, such as on bank holidays and closures at both Christmas and Easter.

Opening hours

Daily opening times are 8.30am to 5.30pm from Monday to Friday.

  • Parents and carers should try to ensure that their child arrives no later than 10.00am each day. This helps staff to settle the child into the routine and also means there is plenty of time for children to participate in the morning activities.
  • Parents are asked to always collect their children from the Nursery by no later than 5.20pm. This is to ensure there is enough time to talk to the staff about your child’s day, look at what they have been doing and collect their belongings.
  • If another person is collecting your child, the Nursery Manager or the staff in your child’s room must be informed in advance. This person should be known to the Nursery staff and must be named on your child’s record as a person authorised to collect him or her.
  • If your child is not coming to the Nursery a phone call is appreciated as early as possible.
  • Depending on staffing levels, we may also need to close the Nursery for up to four weeks during the summer vacation and for up three days per year for staff training. 

Nursery access

To access the Nursery, you will need the entry code. The code will be given to all parents, but will only operate from 8.30am until 10.00 am each morning at 50 Gordon Square. After then, please knock on the front door or ring the bell on the entry system, where a member of staff will open the door. The entry system operates throughout the day at the baby unit at 55-59 Gordon Square.

Please note that children will not be admitted between 11.00am and 2.30pm when the children are having lunch and settling down for a sleep.

Covered space is available on both sites for the storage of buggies and push-chairs.

Exceptional closure

According to its terms of registration, the UCL Day Nursery is not permitted to operate a service unless a sufficient number of staff and a senior member of the team are present, therefore the Nursery may not be able to open if London transport services are suspended. When a disruption of public transport is announced, parents are asked to inform the manager as soon as possible whether they intend to make use of the Nursery on the date in question so the manager knows in advance how many children can be expected to attend. 


The Nursery closes during the same periods as the University:

  • Bank Holidays: Monday 6 May, Monday 27 May, Monday 26 August 
  • Nursery trip: Friday 19 July
  • Summer: The Nursery will close on Thursday 22 August at 17.30 and reopen on Monday 2 September at 8.30