

UCL Cancer Institute


EE2012 - Information for health professionals

Euro Ewing 2012 - International Randomised Controlled Trial for the Treatment of Newly Diagnosed Ewing's Sarcoma Family of Tumours

***Important update - 8 May 2019***

The R1 stage of the Euro Ewing 2012 trial has now closed to recruitment.


The objective of the induction/consolidation chemotherapy randomisation (R1) is to compare the VIDE strategy (VIDE induction and VAI/VAC consolidation) with the VDC/IE strategy (compressed VDC/IE induction and IE/VC consolidation). The event-free survival (EFS) of the two chemotherapy regimens will be compared, and also the relative toxicity experienced by patients both before and after local control of the primary tumour.

The objective of the zoledronic acid randomisation (R2) is to determine whether the addition of zoledronic acid to consolidation chemotherapy, as assigned at R1, is associated with improved clinical outcome in patients with localised ESFT or with pulmonary and/or pleural metastases only at diagnosis.

The objective of the biological studies associated with this trial is to identify informative prognostic biomarkers for assessment of disease status and response at diagnosis and throughout the disease course. Whether they are predictive of response to therapy and may be used to improve stratification of patients and whether they might predict those patients that may not tolerate a particular therapy will be explored.

Patient information and the trial protocol can be found on the website.
If you have any questions about this trial, please contact the Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Birmingham at EE2012@trials.bham.ac.uk

The Trial Office cannot give advice on personal clinical questions.

Information for patients and carers about the Euro Ewing 2012 trial
