

Centre for Behaviour Change


Spotlight on consultancy projects

Public Health England

Infection Prevention and Control – Behavioural Influences on Catheter-Acquired Urinary Tract Infections

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Hospital-acquired infections are a major cause of antibiotic prescribing in the UK. CBC scientists working with colleagues at PHE’s Behavioural Insights Team have conducted a systematic evidence review and behavioural analysis of interventions to reduce catheter-acquired urinary tract infections. 

Welsh Government

Decarbonisation of Housing Stock in Wales  

Better homes, better Wales, better world cover image
CBC worked with the Welsh Governments Decarbonisation Advisory Group (DAG) to develop recommendations for policy to make all owner-occupied housing stock in Wales carbon neutral by 2050. A combination of Behavioural Systems Mapping and the Behaviour Change Wheel framework was used to create policy recommendations which took account of the complex influences on home-owners’ retrofit behaviours. 

For more information visit:

ActionAid Ireland    

Women’s Rights Programme: Improving The Economic Empowerment and Reducing Violence Against Women and Girls

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ActionAid Ireland’s women’s right programme works to reduce gender-based violence and improve the economic status of the most marginalised women in Nepal, Kenya and Ethiopia. Now in its third year, our partnership has used the Behaviour Change Wheel framework to develop and implement interventions to transform the social and political systems in which women live to improve their economic, physical and psychological wellbeing.