

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit


DPU announces YUP Project launch

27 October 2023

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit announces the launch of a new research project YUP (Co-producing Youth Inclusive Digital Urban Governance) and a poster competition on the topic “Young People’s Role in the City”

A group of people sitting outside on rugs

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit is excited to announce that we are launching a new research project called YUP (Co-producing Youth Inclusive Digital Urban Governance). Our research aims to understand young people’s role in urban planning and governance in four cities in Indonesia (Surakarta and Denpasar), and Lebanon (Bar Elias and El Mina), and to explore how young people could collaborate with their local governments to address urban issues that are important for them, using digital platforms.

The project is funded by and the DPU  will be working with , and the to do the research.

We want to launch the project with a poster competition on the topic “Young People’s Role in the City”. The winning poster will be used to inspire the project’s logo, and the artist who submits it will receive a prize of USD $250. In addition, a gallery of the best posters will be shown on the project website when it is launched.

  1. To enter the competition, you must be between 10 and 24 years old and live in Indonesia or Lebanon.
  2. Each participant may send one poster design.
  3. Please submit your entry by email with the subject ‘Poster Competition’. If you don’t have an email address, please ask your parent or carer to submit it on your behalf.
  4. Digital versions of the posters (A4 size, 300 dpi, JPeG or PDF) should be sent to Catalytic Action for Lebanon at  or Kota Kita for Indonesia at info@kotakita.org by November 10 2023.
  5. The digital files should be labelled with the participant’s full name and the title of the poster: e.g.: Surname and First name_Title
  6. When you submit your poster please let us know your name, age, and the city where you live.
  7. Please also confirm consent for your poster to be used by the project by including the following text in your email: “I consent to having my poster displayed on the project website and being used to inspire the project logo”

If you have any questions about the competition or if you want to be put on the project’s mailing list to hear about our upcoming activities, please contact Catalytic Action for Lebanon at or  Kota Kita for Indonesia at info@kotakita.org. We are excited to see your posters!