

The Bartlett Development Planning Unit



Join the DPU as we celebrate our 70th anniversary through a series of events with the wider DPU community, partners and peers, sharing critical experiences and debates generated through our joint engagement with a wide range of educational, research and practice-based work at urban, regional, national and international scales.??


Welcome to DPU70!?

In 2024 we are celebrating DPU’s 70th Anniversary and our contribution to international development education, research, and engagement with international development practice in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East., in pursuit of our aim to strengthen the knowledge and capacities of governments, NGOs and communities to work towards socially just and sustainable development in the global south.?

We will celebrate DPU70 throughout 2024 in a series of events with the wider DPU community, partners and peers, sharing critical experiences and debates generated through our joint engagement with a wide range of educational, research and practice-based work at urban, regional, national and international scales.

Spanish translation

?Bienvenidos a DPU70!?

En 2024 celebraremos el 70.? aniversario de DPU así como nuestra contribución a la educación, la investigación y el compromiso del desarrollo internacional con la práctica del desarrollo internacional en ?frica, Asia, América Latina y el Medio Oriente, en nuestro objetivo de fortalecer el conocimiento y las capacidades de los gobiernos, ONG y comunidades para trabajar por un desarrollo socialmente justo y sostenible en el sur global.?

Celebraremos DPU70 a lo largo de 2024 con una serie de eventos dirigidos a comunidad de DPU, socios y compa?eros, compartiendo experiencias críticas y debates generados a través de nuestro compromiso con un amplio rango de trabajos educativos, de investigación y basados en la práctica a nivel urbano, regional, nacional y aescala internacional.?

Arabic translation

?????? ??? ???DPU70!?

?? ????? ????? ???? ??????? ??????? ??????? ????? ??????? ?????????DPU. ????? ????? ?????? ???? ?????? ??????? ?????? ?? ???? ??????? ???????? ???????? ??? ???????? ?? ??????? ??????? ?? ???????? ????? ?????? ?????????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??? ????? ?????? ?????? ????????? ???????? ??? ????????? ??????????? ??? ???? ????? ?? ??? ????? ????? ????? ???????? ?? ??? ?????? ???????.?

?????? ???????? ??????? ??????? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ??? ?? ????????? ???? ?????? ????? ?? ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????? ??? ??? ?????? ??????? ???????? ???? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ????? ????????? ???????? ?????????? ?????????.

Chinese translation




Get involved with DPU70 celebrations

DPU hosted public lecture with Maimunah Mohd Sharif, Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme on the topic of 'Planning for Equitable Urban Futures', seated on a panel alongside DPU’s Prof Caren Levy and Prof Christoph Lindner.

DPU Dialogue in Development Series

A series of Dialogues run by the DPU Research clusters to discuss the most prominent contemporary challenges facing cities, planning, and international development, with guest speakers across contexts and disciplines. Find out more about the programme of events. Download the leaflet to read about our programme of events

DPU70 Film festival

DPU70 Film Festival

A celebration and discussion of films made by the DPU and international partners in the context of teaching, research, public engagement, and policy and planning impact. Find out more about the programme of films. Download the leaflet to read about our programme of events

A student presenting during a workshop on their overseas practice engagement

DPU70 MSc Scholarships

These two scholarships aim to support applicants from Sub-Saharan Africa to study our Masters' Courses for the 2024-25 academic year. Find out more about scholarship criteria and details for application. 


Seventy Years of Urban Development: A Short History of the DPU

This booklet (hard copy and online) documents DPU experiences, interactions, and contributions to development practice, research, and teaching since 1954 in the context of diverse international ideas and practices in the development field and the education, research, and practice associated with it. 

Participants listening to audio during a participatory video workshop facilitated by DPU and held in Lagos, Nigeria

DPU PhD Podcasts

Engaging with the DPU70 celebrations through 2024, the PhDs with DPU Research clusters, will produce a series of podcasts discussing international development and planning issues of importance to the PhD students. 

Tuk tuks parked on the streets of Madurai, India

DPUNews70 Special Issues

During 2024, two issues of DPUNews reflect on the issues and priorities identified in our 70th year and preview and review the range of events put in place to celebrate DPU70. 

The peripheral urbanisation of Lima, Peru on the mountainous slopes at the edge of the city.

DPU70 Book

The DPU staff are working on producing a DPU70 Book to capture the 'turning points' in the genealogy of arguments championed by the DPU over time in the fields of urban development planning, design, and international development. 

A participant takes a photography as part of a participatory photography workshop in Freetown, Sierra Leone, co-facilitated between DPU and SLURC

DPU70 Photography Competition

This photo competition will showcase the engagement of the DPU student community with their practice engagements, both overseas and in the UK, sharing their images and reflections.

Stay in touch

Sign up to our monthly?newsletter and?stay up to date with the latest news, events, publications and more from our world-leading experts at the?DPU.
