

Institute of Archaeology


LGBTQ+ History Month 2020

11 February 2020

It is LGBTQ+ History Month 2020 and the UCL Institute of Archaeology is planning a series of events throughout February. The culmination of these will be a keynote lecture given by Institute Alumnus John J. Johnston on 27 February.

LGBT+ History Month event - Beyond Isis and Osiris: Alternative Sexualities in Ancient Egypt

LGBTQ+ History Month 2020 Lecture: “Beyond Isis and Osiris: Alternative Sexualities in Ancient Egypt”

Thursday 27 February, 6-7pm, Darwin B40 LT

Join Egyptologist and cultural historian, John J. Johnston, for a special event to celebrate LGBTQ+ History Month 2020. This lavishly illustrated talk addresses those aspects of human sexuality, which, largely, fall outside the ‘official’ record. The often outré behaviour of gods and kings in the literature of the Pharaonic period is contextualised alongside the archaeological evidence and the considerably less ambiguous writings and graffiti of Egypt’s Greek and Roman periods.


The event is free but pre-booking via Eventbrite is essential.

The UCL Institute of Archaeology has established its own Equality & Diversity Forum to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for discussion of any issues relating to Equality, Diversity, Gender and/or Sexuality. The Institute is part of the Friend of Out@UCL campaign and signed the Zero Tolerance to Sexual Harassment pledge (2015-16 onwards), making a commitment to challenge sexual harassment and support students and staff who experience it.

Any queries about LGBTQ+ History Month events may be directed to Charlotte Frearson.