

Institute of Archaeology


Dialogues: Medieval Archaeology and Islam

25 October 2018

A series of dialogues, aimed at considering archaeology as an original perspective from which we can look at the social, economic and cultural complexities of our society, concludes next week.

Dialogues: Medieval Archaeology and Islam

The series, organised by Corinna Riva and Andrew Gardner, and hosted by the , will include distinguished Italian and British archaeologists who will talk about the traces of our past and its heritage and how we can approach them today, thus offering a deep-time view of our era and, vice-versa, a contemporary view on the mechanisms that shaped our history.

All events are sponsored by , the and the .

The third and final talk will be on 30 October and looks at Medieval Sicily as a cultural cross-road in the Mediterranean: archaeology brings special insight into a period in which the island was a crucible for the encounter with its Muslim neighbours in north Africa. This encounter and relationship with Islam at the heart of the Mediterranean provides a unique opportunity to examine the role of archaeology in helping to define the heritage of Europe that is inclusive of its rich, sometimes overlooked, history. Chaired by Corisande Fenwick, the dialogue will be with Sauro Gelichi, Professor of Medieval Archaeology at the University of Venice Ca' Foscari, and Martin Carver, Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the University of York.



  • Massimo Osanna + Greg Woolf
  • Moderated by Andrew Gardner
  • Thursday 26 April, 7pm


  • Andrea Pessina + Mark Pearce
  • Moderated by Corinna Riva
  • Monday 21 May, 7pm


  • Sauro Gelichi + Martin Carver
  • Moderated by Corisande Fenwick
  • Tuesday 30 October, 7pm
