

Sustainable Development Goals


An approach to learning that leads to a greater understanding of global inequalities

A fully online course gives students the opportunity to explore development education and global learning by interacting and learning alongside peers around the world.

SDG Case study DEGL-4.7-globe

8 October 2020

An MAat the UCL Institute of Education givesstudentsthe opportunity to study arange of perspectives and approaches to development education, global learning and global citizenship.

“It also provides participants with the opportunity to reflect critically on their own engagement and interest in these areas and how they link to broader educational debates, such as those related to education quality, aid and development, sustainable development, poverty and global inequality,” says DrClare Bentall(UCL Institute of Education), who leads the MA programme.

TheMA Global Learningoffers a collaborative online learning environment through which students develop their own knowledge and skills, as well asbenefitting frominteractionwith, and learning alongside, peers from around the world.

“In the core areas of study, students explore the principles andpractices ofdevelopmenteducation,an approachto learning that leads to a greater understanding of global inequalities, including of why they exist and what can be done about them,” adds DrBentall.

“Students explore the principles andpractices ofdevelopmenteducation,an approach to learning that leads to a greater understanding of global inequalities.”

They alsoexaminethe relationship between debates on globalisation and development education, as well ascritically assessingapproaches to development education within contrasting countries,particularly those in which they work, such astheUK, Ireland, Germany, USA, Korea, Mexico, South Africa, Ghana, Pakistan, and China.

Students complement thesecore areas by choosing from a diverse range of optional areas for study,including:globalcitizenshipeducation–research,policy andpractice;north-south educational partnerships;teaching controversial issues; andlearning and working in internationalcontexts

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&;Global Learning MA