

UCL Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy


Dr Erica Thompson joins Lancet Commission on Strengthening the Use of Epidemiological Models

23 November 2023

Dr Erica Thompson appointed as Commissioner for the Lancet Commission on Strengthening the Use of Epidemiological Modelling of Emerging and Pandemic Infectious Diseases.

, Associate Professor of Modelling for Decision Making at ʼһ STEaPP, has accepted an invitation to become one of fifteen international Commissioners who will direct the .

The aim of this Lancet Commission is to review and improve the policy relevance of epidemiological models and their ability to support decision-making and policy implementation.This includes technical aspects of the construction and evaluation of models, but it also encompasses wider questions about international imbalances in modelling skills and capacities, development of confidence and trust in expert advice systems, and governance of model-based information pathways.Work has already begun, and the Commission will be reviewing evidence and soliciting input from a range of stakeholders before reporting in 2025.

Headshot of Erica Thompson holding a book
Dr Erica Thompson stated:

“My research theme is improving the use of mathematical models for decision support, so I am very excited about working with this Lancet Commission to strengthen the use of epidemiological models.As we all know from the last few years, this is a topic which brings together many conflicting narratives and interests, so we will have to work carefully to ensure that we are making a constructive and effective contribution.The focus is on making a real positive change and it’s great to be involved with a project with such clear potential impact.”