

Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences


UCL announces a brand new scholarship programme to support UK BME postgraduate students

27 November 2018

Committed to diversifying the student community at doctoral level, UCL is launching an ambitious programme that aims to create over 15 new scholarships for black and minority ethnic (BME) postgraduate research students.

UCL is delighted to announce the launch of a brand new scholarship programme to support research degree students from BME groups that are currently under-represented at ʼһ. 

Data shows that students from some UK BME backgrounds are much less likely to pursue a PhD or consider a career in academia. 

ճ is the first step to address this issue by providing full financial support and doctoral skill development to successful recipients. 

Currently, the programme has guaranteed funding for five places to incoming postgraduate students in the next academic year. 

However, with further support from philanthropic partnerships the programme aims to fund a further five scholarships in each academic year following up to 2021, to support a total of 15 students over the three-year programme. 

The scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence for those applying to a research degree in the faculties with the most under-representation. These include the faculties of:

  • Arts and Humanities
  • Social and Historical Sciences 
  • Mathematical and Physical Sciences

Commenting on the inclusion of the scholarships within the Faculty of Social and Historical Science, Dean Professor Sasha Roseneil said: “This is a great initiative and I am really pleased that the Faculty of Social & Historical Sciences will be participating. These scholarships are an innovative intervention to address a significant under-representation of UK BME talent at doctoral level and we look forward to engaging with it.”

No barriers to a UCL education

UCL is committed to the ongoing breakdown of barriers to education, including those experienced by BME groups. 

The university’s BME undergraduate student intake has increased 46% since 2013/14.

However, these headline figures hide significant under-representation at post-graduate level. The proportion of white students grows by more than a third whilst the proportion of students from UK Asian and Black backgrounds more than halves.

The UCL Research Opportunities Scholarship programme is being implemented as a form of positive action to address this under-representation in the top strata of higher education. However, it also encourages students from BME backgrounds to consider research as a possible career path, inspiring future generations.