

Safety Services


UCL Health and Safety Objectives 2012/2013

The health and safety objectives for UCL for the 2012/2013 academic year have been approved by the Health and Safety Committee (HSC).

Heads of Department are required to determine what actions they are to take in order to meet these and their own objectives.

Objective 1

Departments to record specific nominated responsibilities eg First Aiders, in the RiskNET system and. to have plans in place to resolve any gaps identified in their provision.

Objective 2

To further improve UCL's safety management systems by:

  • research by Safety Services into the use of centrally coordinated e-learning programs as a means of delivering a range of basic health and safety training programs, and
  • Safety Services undertaking a review of UCL's existing risk assessment processes to ensure a system which is proportionate, effective and efficient

Objective 3

To improve the arrangements for monitoring of safety performance by the development of a UCL standard by Safety Services for safety inspections and implementation of the standard across UCL to an HSC agreed timescale.

Objective 4

Departments to have reviewed their arrangements for the management of exposure to allergens (where relevant) to ensure that:

  • staff at risk of exposure to allergens are enrolled in the UCL health surveillance programme and have up-to-date health clearance to undertake activities where they may be exposed to allergens; and
  • staff use appropriate personal protective equipment to control exposure; including the use of fit-tested respiratory protective equipment.

Health and Safety Objectives​ →