

Psychoanalysis Unit


Anthony Bateman's Publications

Selected Publications
-ÌýBooksÌý-  Ìý-ÌýPapersÌý-Ìý

Wolff, H.H., Bateman A. W., Sturgeon, D., (eds) (1989) UCH Textbook of Psychiatry: An Integrated Approach, Duckworth: London.

Bateman, A. W. and Holmes, J. (1995) Introduction to Psychoanalysis- Contemporary Theory and Practice, Routledge: London. Translated into 5 languages.

Martindale, B, Bateman, A.W., Crowe, M., & Margison, F. (eds) (2000) Psychosis: Psychological approaches and their effectiveness. Gaskell, London.

Bateman, A. W., Brown, D., And Pedder, J (2001) Introduction to Psychotherapy - an outline of psychodynamic principles and practice. Routledge: London.

Holmes, J and Bateman, A.W. (eds) (2002) Integration in psychotherapy: models and methods. OUP, Oxford.

Bateman, A. W. and Fonagy, P. (2004) Psychotherapy of Borderline Personality Disorder: mentalisation based treatment OUP, Oxford.

Bateman, A. W. and Fonagy, P. (2006) Mentalization-Based Treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder: A Practical Guide Oxford University Press, Oxford.


Bateman, A. W. and Herbert, J. (1975) Oestrogen sensitivity and innervation of Ependymal Cells. Journal of Endocrinology, 64, 58-61.

Bateman, A. W. (1986) Rape: the forgotten victim. British Medical Journal, 292, 1306.

Bateman, A. W. (1989) Borderline Personality in Britain : a preliminary study. Comprehensive Psychiatry Vol 30 No 5 385-390.

Bateman, A. W. (1989) Helping the partners of rape victims. Journal of Marital and Sexual Therapy. 4 (1) 5-9.

Bateman, A. W. (1992) Regression and its consequences for psychoanalytic treatment. British Psychoanalytic Bulletin 3 6-9

Bateman, A. W. (1993) Regression: some clinical aspects. Gli Argonauti. Ital J Psychoan 56 (3) 1-10.

Bateman, A. W. (1993) Personality disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry 6 205-209.

Mishan, J and Bateman, A. W. (1994) Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder with group therapy in a day hospital setting. Group Analysis 27 Vol4 484-495.

Bateman, A. W. (1995) The treatment of borderline patients in a day hospital setting, 
Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Vol 9 No.1 3-16.

Bateman, A. W. (1995) Traitment d'adolescents suicidants borderline dans le cadre d'un hopital de jour : resultats preliminaires, In 'Adolescence et Suicide', Ladame, F., Ottino, Pawlak, J., (eds), Nasson, Paris.

Bateman, A. W. (1996) Psychic reality in borderline conditions, International Journal of Psychoanalysis 77: 43-47.

Bateman, A. W., (1996) Conformism as a symptom of adolescent breakdown: a clinical case, Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, 10: 135-142.

Bateman, A. W. (1997) Borderline personality disorder and psychotherapeutic psychiatry: an integrative approach, British Journal of Psychotherapy 13: 4, 489-498.

Bateman, A.W. (1998) Thick- and thin-skinned organisations and enactment in borderline and narcissistic disorders, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 79: 13-25.

Bateman, A.W. & Fonagy, P. (1999) Effectiveness of partial hospitalisation in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomised controlled trial. American Journal of Psychiatry. 156:1563-1569.

Bateman, A. W. & Fonagy, P. (2000) Psychotherapeutic treatment of personality disorder. British Journal of Psychiatry. 117:138-143.

Bateman, A. W. & Fonagy, P. (2001) Treatment of borderline personality disorder with psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization: an 18-month follow-up. American Journal of Psychiatry 158:36-42.

Bateman, A.W. (2001) Integration in Psychotherapy: an evolving reality in personality disorder. British Journal of Psychotherapy.

Bateman, A.W. & Holmes, J. (2001) Psychotherapy training for general psychiatrists. Psychiatric Bulletin 25: 124-125.

Bateman, A.W. (2001) Psychoanalytic treatment of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatric Times 7: 37-39.

Bateman, A.W. (2001) Cosa accade nei gruppi troppo chiusi. L'esperienza delle Comunita Terapeutiche. Psichiatria e Territoria 18 (1) 19-25.

Bateman A.W. (2002) Psychological treatment of borderline personality disorder. Psychiatry 1:1: 17-20.

Chiesa, M., Bateman, A., Wilberg, T., & Friis, S., (2002) Patient characteristics, outcome and cost-benefit of hospital-based treatment for patients with personality disorder: A comparison of three treatment programmes. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 75, 381-392.

Bateman, A. & Fonagy, P. (2003) Health service utilisation costs for borderline personality disorder patients treated with psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalisation versus general psychiatric care. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 169-171.

Bateman, A and Margison, F (2003) Psychotherapy: new paradigms. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 37, 512-514.

Fonagy, P, Target, M, Gergely, G., Allen, J., & Bateman, A. (2003) The developmental roots of borderline personality disorder: a theory and some evidence. Psychoanalytic Inquiry 23, 412-458.

Bateman, A & Fonagy, P (2003) The development of an attachment based treatment programme for borderline personality disorder. Bulletin of Menninger Clinic 67(3), 187-211.

Bateman, A. & Fonagy, P. (2004) Mentalisation based treatment of borderline personality disorder. Journal of Personality Disorder 18, 36-51.

Bateman, A (2004) Psychoanalysis and Psychiatry: Is there a future? Acta Pscyhiatrica Scandinavica 109, 161-163.

Bateman, A (in press) Commentary on Borderline Personality Disorder. In Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry. Vol 8 WPA Series.

Bateman, A and Tyrer, P. (2004) Psychological treatment for borderline personality disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 10: 378-388.

Bateman, A. and Tyrer, P (in press) Services for people with personality disorder: organisation for inclusion. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment.

Tyrer, P and Bateman, A (2004) Drug treatment of personality disorder. Advances in Psychiatric Treatment 10:389-398.

Bateman, A and Fonagy, P (in press) Borderline Personality Disorder WPA-ISSPD Educational Programme on Personality Disorders.

Bateman, A (2004) Reading about: Self-help books on deliberate self-harm British Journal of Psychiatry 185.

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Chapters and articles

Bateman, A.W. (1989) Five chapters in UCH Textbook of Psychiatry: An Integrated Approach, Duckworth: London.

Bateman, A.W. (1989) Borderline Personality Disorder. In Psychotherapy in Psychiatric Practice (ed J Holmes) Churchill Livingstone, London.

Bateman, A.W. (1995) Defence Mechanisms : General and Forensic aspects. In Forensic Psychotherapy. Crime, Psychodynamics, and the Offender Patient. Cordess, C. and Cox, M. (eds), Kingsley: London.

Bateman, A. W. (1995) Day Hospital Treatment for Borderline and Psychotic Patients. In Forensic Psychotherapy, Crime, Psychodynamics and the Offender Patient. Cordess, C. and Cox, M (eds), Kingsley, London.

Bateman A. W. (1997) Borderline Personality - history and current dilemmas. In Progress in Clinical Psychiatry, Weller, M. & van Kammen, D., (eds) Bailliere Tindall, London.

Bateman A. W. (1997) Later consequences of adolescent breakdown. In Adolescent breakdown and beyond, Laufer. M (ed), Karnac: London.

Bateman, A.W. (1999) Narcissism and its relation to violence and suicide. In Psychoanalytic understanding of violence and suicide in borderline. Perelberg, R. (ed), Routledge, NLP: London.

Bateman A.W. (2001) Antibodies to personality disorder. In Every Family in the Land. Crisp, A. H. (ed) .

Bateman A.W. (2001) Day Hospital treatment of borderline personality disorder and the containment of enactment. In The edge of experience: borderline and psychosomatic patients in clinical practice. Vaslamatzis G. and Rabavilas A (eds). Karnac, London.

Bateman, A.W. & Holmes (2002) Introduction to Integration. In Integration in psychotherapy: models and methods. Holmes, J & Bateman A.W. (eds) OUP, Oxford.

Bateman, A.W. (2002) Psychoanalysis and Integration. In Integration in psychotherapy: models and methods. Holmes, J & Bateman A.W. (eds) OUP, Oxford.

Bateman, A.W. (2003) In-patient and day patient treatment of suicidal patients. In Suicidality: understanding, treatment, research. Psychoanalytic concepts. Fiedler, G, Lindner, R, & Gotze, P (eds) Hogrefe: Hamburg.

Bateman A.W. (2004) Antibodies to Personality Disorder. In Every Family in the Land. Understanding prejudice and discrimination against people with mental illness Crisp, AH (ed) RSM Press Ltd: London.

Bateman AW (2004) Psychoanalytically orientated day-hospital treatment for borderline personality disorder: theory, problems, and practice. In Research on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy with Adults. Richardson, P, Kachele, H, Renlund, C (eds) Karnac: London.

Bateman A.W. (2004) Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Personality Disorders. Psychiatric Times July.

Bateman, A.W. (2005) Mentalization and Borderline Personality Disorder. In Personality Disorders. WPA Series Evidence and Experience in Psychiatry Vol 8 Maj, M. Akiskal, H, Mezzich, J. Okasha, A. (eds) John Wiley: West Sussex.

Bateman, A.W. (2006) Research in Psychotherapy. In An introduction to the psychotherapies (ed S. Bloch), pp. 37-57. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Bateman, A.W. (2006) Mentalizing and Borderline Personality Disorder. In Handbook of Mentalization Based Treatment (eds J. G. Allen & P. Fonagy), pp. 185-200. Chichester: Wiley.

Fonagy, P. & Bateman, A. (2006) Mechanisms of change in Mentalization Based Therapy of borderline personality disorder. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 62, 411-430.

Bateman, A.W. (2007) Mentalizing and borderline personality disorder. Journal of Mental Health, 16, 83-101.

Bateman, A.W. (2007) Controlling the random, or who controls whom in the randomized controlled trial? In Developmental Science and Psychoanalysis. London: Karnac.

Bateman, A.W. (2007) Psychotherapy in Psychiatry: integration and assimilation. International Review of Psychiatry, 19, 1-4.

Bateman, A., Ryle, A., Fonagy, P., et al (2007) Psychotherapy for Borderline personality Disorder: Mentalization Based Therapy and Cognitive Analytic Therapy compared. International Review of Psychiatry, 19, 51-62.

Bateman A.W. & Fonagy P (2007) Mentalizing and borderline personality disorder Journal of Mental Health, 16(1), 83-101.

Bateman, A.W. (in press) Treatment options for borderline personality disorder: mentalization based treatment. Social Work in Mental Health.

Bateman, A. & Zanarini, M. C. (in press) Personality Disorder. In Cambridge Textbook of Effective treatments in Psychiatry (eds P. Tyrer & K. Silk), pp. 2739-2832. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Chiesa, M., Fonagy, P. & Bateman, A. (in press) Differences in clinical characteristics between patients assessed for NHS specialist psychotherapy and primary care counselling. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Treatment, Research and Practice.

Fonagy, P & Bateman A.W. (in press) Attachment Theory and Mentalization Oriented Model of Borderline Personality Disorder. In: The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Persona5lity Disorders Oldham, J., Skodol, A., Bender, D., (Eds) American Psychiatric Publishing: Arlington.

Margison, F and Bateman, A.W. (in press) Research in Psychotherapy. In An Introduction to the Psychotherapies (4th editions) Bloch, S (ed) Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Bateman, A.W. (in press) Day hospital treatment for Borderline Personality Disorder. In Borderline Personality Disorder. Zanarini, M (ed) Marcel Dekker: New York.

Bateman A.W. (in press) Research in psychotherapy. In Seminars in Psychotherapy Gaskell, London.

Bateman A.W. (in press) Manic depression, psychosis, and depression. In Critical Dictionary of Psychoanalytic Thinking. Routledge, London.

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How to contact Anthony Bateman

Halliwick Day Unit
St Ann's Hospital
St Ann's Road
London N15 3TH

Tel: +44 (0)20 8442 6093

Fax: +44 (0)20 8442 6545
