

Psychoanalysis Unit


Lesley Caldwell

Lesley Caldwell

Lesley Caldwell is an Honorary Professor in the Psychoanalysis Unit at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË. She is a psychoanalyst of the BPA, a member of the BPF, and a guest member of the BPAS, in private practice in London.

She is a Training analyst for the Independent Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy Trainings (IPCAPA) and a member of its Training Analysts' committee. She is a London rep for COWAP, the IPA committee dedicated to women and psychoanalysis.

She teaches and supervises on the MSc in Theoretical Psychoanalytic Studies and the MPhil/PhD in Psychoanalytic Studies in the Psychoanalysis Unit. With Angela Joyce she coordinated and taught the Master's unit on Winnicott for eight years and she now contributes to teaching Freud. She coordinated the Psychoanalysis Unit's Interdisciplinary Programme from 2010 to 2016 to explore interfaculty links between the Psychoanalysis Unit and other disciplines and schools. She has a long standing interest in psychoanalysis and the arts and is a member of the organising committee for the Psychoanalysis and Film festival (EPF) and has contributed papers on Italian cinema there. She has been external examiner for the Tavistock. Observational Studies MA and the MA in Infant Mental Health.

She contributes to the Anglo China programme for which she has coordinated a new three year module on the British Independents (2018-2020) and, with Dieter Burgen of Switzerland, she is offering a continuing clinical seminar there. An Introduction to the British Independents is published in Beijing in April 2018.

She was an Editor and Trustee for the Winnicott Trust since 2002 to 2016 and its Chair of Trustees from 2008 to 2012. With Helen Taylor Robinson she is Joint General Editor of the Collected Works of Donald Winnicott (OUP, 2016) which won The American Board & Academy of Psychoanalysis book prize (History section) in 2017. She is currently working on themes of analytic communication and of being, as central to clinical practice. Articles associated with these issues appear in 'Dalla psicoanalisi alll'essere e al fare' in Winnicott e la psicoanalisi del futuro (C Busano Barbaglio, A Macchia, A Nicolò Roma, 2017), the Rivista di psicoanalisi, 'Dalla parte del terapeuta nella relazione col paziente'( 2018) and in the BJP (2018). She has recently resumed an earlier interest in sexuality, gender and the body.

As Director of the Squiggle Foundation (2000 - 2003) and Editor of its Winnicott Studies monograph series (Karnac & Squiggle Foundation, 2000-2008) she published Art, Creativity, Living (2000), The Elusive Child (2003), Sex and Sexuality: Winnicottian Perspectives (2005) and Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition (2007). With Angela Joyce she published Reading Winnicott for the New Library teaching series (2011).

Professor Caldwell is also Honorary Senior Research Associate in the Italian department at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËhere she continues to co-organize the lecture series, On Rome, held termly. With Dorigen Caldwell she is co-editor of Rome: Encounters between Past and Present (Ashgate, 2011). She was Co-Investigator with Fabio Camilletti (Warwick) of the AHRC network Roman Modernities, and co-editor with Camilletti of Rome: Modernity, Post Modernity and Beyond (Legenda, 2018). She has written extensively on the Italian family, the topic of her book, Italian Family Matters (Macmillan,1991), on Italian cinema, and on the city of Rome. She contributed to the New Library Collection Reading Italian Psychoanalysis (2017).

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How to contact Lesley Caldwell 

Psychoanalysis Unit 
Research Department of Clinical, Educational 
and Health Psychology 
University College London 
Gower Street 
London WC1E 6BT 