

Psychoanalysis Unit


Mother Art and Gendered Psychoanalysis: Barbara Hepworth and Adrian Stokes

Interdisciplinary Seminar with Janet Sayers


Ahead of the Barbara Hepworth exhibition at Tate Britain opening this June, Janet Sayers draws attention to the 'mother art' and gendered version of psychoanalysis used by Adrian Stokes in promoting work by Hepworth including her 'mother and child' sculpture, a photo of which is included on the cover of Sayers's latest book.

Speaker biography:

Janet Sayers is emeritus professor of psychoanalytic psychology at the University of Kent in Canterbury where she works as a clinical psychologist for the NHS. Her books include Mothering Psychoanalysis (Penguin, 1992), Freud's Art (Routledge, 2007), and Art, Psychoanalysis, and Adrian Stokes: A Biography (Karnac, in press).