



Network Funding Call

The network is running two Plus Projects Funding Calls. Both calls are now closed.

Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý ÌýNetwork Plus Project Funding Call #2: Interventions

ThisÌýcallÌýis now closed. We will not have any further funding calls.

In this second funding call we will commission research that aims to understand:

  1. What interventions/specific activities reduce loneliness and social isolation in the general population, and whether these interventions/specific activities also reduce the risk of the onset of mental health problems, and/or
  2. What interventions/specific activities reduce loneliness and social isolation in individuals with existing mental health problems.

We are interested in interventions at individual, group and community levels. Applicants will be asked to demonstrate that their proposed project would integrate multiple disciplines and relevant lived experience perspectives. We strongly encourage collaborations involving the third sector and projects led by Early Career Researchers.Ìý

Join our slack workspace for those interested in applying

If you are thinking about applying to this call, we encourage you to join our dedicated slack workspace to find collaborators, ask us questions and join/create special interest groups. You can join though this .

Q&A webinar - slides

On the 5th August we held a Q&A and will be adding the questions and responses to our FAQ document.

YouTube Widget Placeholder


YouTube Widget Placeholder

Funding call documents

All successful projects must adhere to ESRC funding rules as outlined in their funding guide:Ìý

Resources on different methods

To help applicants to explore methods regardingÌýintervention evaluations we have put together some presentations on dfferent methods, by experts in this area:

Our website also contains a range of resources on our Network EventsÌýand Resources pages that we hope applicants will find helpful, including presentations from network eventsÌýand reference lists of published papers and reports regarding loneliness and social isolation in mental health.

If you have any queries regarding this call, or you would like to discuss your application, please email the Network Coordinator: ellie.pearce@ucl.ac.ukÌý

Network Plus Project Funding Call #1: Pathways

This funding call closedÌýfor applications onÌýFriday 31st January 2020 at 5pm.

Ideas and work-in-progress documents for inspiration