

UCL Psychology and Language Sciences


PALS green feet are taking us on sustainability journey

9 February 2023

The PALS Green impact team are delighted to announce that PALS green feet are taking us on another sustainability journey - JogOn PALS, recycling your old trainers.

Charlotte Patient, John Draper, Richard Jardine and Kate Copsey donating some of the first pairs of trainers to the Jogon campaign

18 billion pairs of shoes are bought every year with 33million running shoes ending up in landfill.  is a campaign which aims to keep running shoes out of landfill, by giving your shoes a second chance. Donated running shoes will be either distributed to hubs around the world or shredded and recycled.

Huge praise should be given to Charlotte Patient, one of our own undergraduate psychology students, who found out about the initiative and has helped set it up within PALS. She can be seen donating one of our first pairs of trainers, alongside Kate Copsey, John Draper and Richard Jardine. The scheme is piloted by PALS in the hope that the initiative will be taken up across UCL in due course.

We are very excited to be working with Jogon, so keep an eye out for our donation boxes in Bedford Way (outside the common room), Ground Floor of UCLIC and the atrium of Chandler House. Look in that cupboard, garage, under the bed, they may be old to you, but by donating them to JogOn PALS you will be giving them another life. Get donating today!!