



What could transformative learning do for you?

2 November 2017

From our myUCL Student Journalist Robert Vilkelis Robert Vilkelis credits the

Landmark Forum logo landmarkworldwide" target="_self">Landmark Forum with transforming the way he learns, enabling him to take responsibility for his own happiness, and connecting him to the things he really cares about.Ìý

He is encouraging all students to come along to a special evening being held next week at the Institute of Education, to find out about Landmark's unique 'transformative learning' approach

8 November 2017
7.00pm - 10.15pm

Logan Hall
Institute of Education
20 Bedford Way

Staff, students and the general public
Free, no need to book.

If you didn't define yourself by your past, what would be possible for you?

If you're interested in personal development, speaking with openness and confidence, getting the most out of your university experience, or simply getting an extra learning edge while at university, then this event is for you.

This coming Wednesday evening, you'll be captivated by Landmark Forum Leader Burcu Holmgren, who will share Landmark's unique "transformative learning approach", how it works, and what you could personally get out of it if you chose to take part in their programmes.

Not only that, people who took part in their courses will be invited to come up and share their experience, and the difference it's personally made in their lives.

We spend so much time thinking about our future - yet, so much of it is based on our past. Who could you be if your plans weren't constrained by what already happened?

3 personal shifts I couldn't have expected

I participated in the Landmark Forum in January 2017 - just days before the start of Term 2 of my first undergrad year. Through what I've learned by engaging with their curriculum, I've produced results in my life I never dreamed of a year ago.

Here are the three that had the biggest impact on my life:

1.ÌýÌýÌý I created a new relationship with my dad

I thought that my dad didn't care about me or what happened in my life - and I convinced myself that I didn't care that he didn't care. Instead, what I was pushing down was a feeling that a part of me was missing.

What did I realise? That I was pushing him away and excluding him from my life; there was nothing he could do that would make me feel like he cared, because that just didn't fit the view of him I created in my head. Now, for the first time, I have an authentically loving relationship where I feel I can be myself and be there for him - and we never argue any more, either.

2.ÌýÌýÌý I stopped making other people responsible for me being happy

I've always been confident, outgoing and playful - and yet, deep down, I felt resentful of other students, and I didn't know why. No matter what I did, I never felt that I could find a stable friend group that I really belonged to.

What did I uncover? I was struck as I realised that, at some level, I was making other people responsible for making me happy - but, for that to happen, I thought people had to be like me. In return, I made myself angry, miserable and frustrated that people weren't like me, and that I couldn't make them like me.

Now I'm coming at friendships from the perspective of how I can make other people feel appreciated and heard, and I'm putting myself out there with a true caringness for other people.

3.ÌýÌýÌý I connected to what I really care about

I'm a passionate person. I'm into loads of different things, and I can get engaged with just about anything. Yet, I found it hard to motivate myself to really push myself out there and go beyond what was already set out in front of me.

What did I grasp? I realised that what I really care about is education; what's important to me is learning and teaching. Only, I used to think it's something I could "maybe" make a difference in a few years from now. Now I have the urge to push myself to get out there and change education, all starting with one question that I found power in: "what are you committed to?" Now I'm working with students and staff to create a new communicative UCL culture that works for everyone, at all levels.

What aspects of your life are important to you? What could a transformation in that area bring for you?

Landmark's evening, on Wednesday 8 November, will be a great opportunity to explore what other kind of learning is out there that you can benefit from during your time at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË.

Make the most out of your time at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to learn and engage with a whole different paradigm of learning.