



Seven questions with Caoimhe Creed

13 July 2016

This week we put seven questions to Caoimhe Creed, a third year law student who will be studying abroad this year at the National University of Singapore and is set to graduate in 2018.

Seven questions with Caoimhe Creed Caoimhe is currently in Sydney as a result of winning a competition with global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills.

Why are you interested in this subject and what do you plan to do in the future?

Law interests me in the way that it shapes and continues to be shaped by our reality. In particular, I am interested in the area of international law and how different legal systems interact, as our world becomes more of a global community.

On my year abroad in Singapore, I hope to acquire a greater insight into the legal aspects of operating across regions and borders and to gain an understanding of the Asian markets.

Presently, my interest lies in the commercial law where I plan to direct my career once I graduate. I have a particular interest in intellectual property law although I remain open-minded to practicing in other areas.

What is the most interesting thing you've done, seen or got involved with while at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË?

I have been involved in many exciting projects during my time at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, from the Global Citizenship programe to the Crime and Citizenship Pro-Bono Society, of which I was Vice-President this year.

In first year I began doing work for the charity organisation Debate Mate and began mentoring students in a disadvantaged school in Angel about public speaking. I really enjoyed coaching this debating team and applied for the Summer Programme in 2015 to teach in Jamaica. Fortunately, I was lucky enough to be selected and had an incredible three weeks volunteering with other students from the UK team. To hear more about my trip and volunteering abroad, you can read my .

When I returned to UCL for my second year, I was keen to seize any opportunity to see more of the world and do more international travel. I entered a competition with global law firm Herbert Smith Freehills (HSF) to win a two week trip to Australia, where I would visit their offices as well as carry out tourist activities to promote the firm on social media and provide students in the UK with an insight into the firm and life as a lawyer in Australia. Not expecting to win, I submitted and entry and made it through to the second round.

My next challenge was to make a one minute video to tell HSF about a time when I went "above and beyond" (the firm's motto). Despite my lack of film production experience, camera skills and certainty about the interpretation of 'above and beyond', I attempted to make a video. Using footage from Jamaica and recent teaching in London (which I had to get one of the students to film and she nearly cut my head off in the shot!) I managed to put a on my laptop.Ìý

Completely shocked that I made to the final six with my video clip, I prepared a 10-minute presentation for HSF partners and the graduate recruitment team and spent the day of the Final at the firm. It was a great day and HSF also provided us with presentation skills training and feedback on how to complete good applications for law firms. We were made to feel very welcome and I was surprised by how much fun I had (once the nerve-wracking part of presenting in front of everyone was over). I was announced as the winner just after my Mam arrived at the ceremony (having flown in), which was the most wonderful surprise.

If you would like to gain an insight into the firm, hear about my experiences as a tourist in Australia, climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge, flying over Melbourne in a hot air balloon and whale watching as well as what it's like to work for an international firm abroad, you can follow my journey on and

Have you discovered any hidden gems during your time at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË?

The chai latte is surprisingly good at the Aspretto café, Hare Krishna give out yummy free food around the corner at SOAS and I really like the Senate House Library when UCL gets choco-block. I went to a hilarious but also very fun morning rave in the UCL main quad once and the Zumba classes at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËU gym actually make me excited about exercising.

Give us your top three things to do/see/go to in London:

  1. Eat as much food as possible at Camden Market
  2. Laugh until you cry at the Book of Mormon musical or the Top Secret Comedy Club in Covent Garden
  3. Explore the incredible art exhibitions in at Tate Britain or Tate Modern. One exhibition I will never forget was the collection of Alexander McQueen's work in at the V&A entitled 'savage beauty'.

If you were Provost for the day what one thing would you do?

I would make study groups mandatory and set up a system whereby faculties would help to facilitate them.

Who inspires you and why?

My mother - since moving to university I have a new-found appreciation for everything she does. Not only does she work full time in a job she loves while raising my two siblings under the age of 10 (entirely on her own during the week), she also manages properties and takes time out to listen to her older daughter in London moan! She also has an incredibly strong determination and positive energy, that I hope I can come close to one day.

What would it surprise people to know about you?

I grew up in Switzerland from the age of 12-18, and moving from a small Gaelic-speaking school in Dublin, this was not the easiest transition but proved to be an incredibly positive life-changing experience.Ìý

Now I have friends around the world and find it easier adapting in different cultural settings. IÌýam also moreÌýopen to the idea of living inÌýand exploring in new countries because I have experienced first hand the unique outlook such a life-change can provide."