



Participants needed for paid research study testing the effectiveness of toothpastes on breath odour

20 July 2015

Are you over the age of 18, in general good health, and think your breath could be better? UCL Eastman Dental Institute, Eastman Clinical Investigation Centre (ECIC) is planning future clinical studies to test the effectiveness of toothpastes on breath odour.

Participants needed for paid research study testing the effectiveness of toothpastes on breath odour Researchers are recruiting for a project designed to screen individuals who would potentially be suitable for the future studies being planned.


The study will consist of up to four visits involving a quick oral exam and a breath test (visit duration approximately 20 minutes). Participants receive £20 per visit (after the final visit) and, upon completion of the study, be offered the chance to participate in a future trial of new toothpaste.


To participate you must:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • not have any braces, crown/bridges/denture or implants
  • have at least 20 teeth
  • be in good general health
  • be willing to consider participation in future trials


The study will take place at UCL Eastman Dental Institute (ECIC) 256 Gray's Inn Road, WC1X 8LD.

Please read the participant information leaflet carefully for a detailed description of the study (including inclusion/exclusion criteria). If you have further questions please call 020 3456 1276.

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This study has been reviewed and approved by Reading Independent Research Ethics Committee (RIEC) which is compliant with the Regulations as they relate to ethics committees and the conditions and principles of good clinical practice.

Marco Orlandi DDS, Clinical Research Associate, UCL Eastman Dental Institute