



Seven questions with... Brendan Dunlop

23 January 2015

This week, we put seven questions to Brendan Dunlop, third year undergraduate, BSc Psychology & Language Sciences.

Brendan Dunlop

Why did you choose UCL?

UCL is a world-leading university in the heart of one of the world's leading cities. Not only was it founded on excellent ethical principles, but the quality of research and teaching greatly appealed to me, and the thought of studying in the heart of London (albeit daunting at the time) excited me too.

What is the most interesting thing you've done, seen or got involved with whilst at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË?

During second year, we got the opportunity to look at real human brains in the medicine department - something I never thought I'd be able to do. Currently, my third year project on religion and personality disorder is the most interesting thing I've ever done anywhere (not just at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË!), giving me the opportunity to explore two areas that really appeal to me.

Where is your favourite place on campus?

I love the iconic portico: it's such a grand entrance for a university. However, I would have to argue that Chandler House - the building where I am based - is my favourite place on campus. It is a self-contained building slightly off the main campus that has everything in and around it that you'd need: its own study spaces, lecture theatres, seminar rooms, kitchen/cafeteria, computer room, library etc. You sometimes need not leave the building all day.

Give us your top three things to do/see/go to in London:

The river - walking along the murky banks of the Thames brings with it a sense of calm, and there's always something to do on the South Bank.

Regent's Park - maybe it's something to do with my longing for open spaces away from the hustle and bustle at times, but Regent's Park is a great place to go and relax and eat lunch on a sunny day with friends. It's much closer to campus than Hyde Park and, in my opinion, is a lot nicer.

See a show! Wicked at the Victoria Apollo is my favourite - you can't come to London and not see a show. Most places will do student discounts, and sometimes if you turn up half an hour before a show starts, you may get expensive premium seats for a fraction of the price.

If you were to switch departments or courses at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË, what would you study instead and why?

Probably English Literature. I really enjoyed English at GCSE and A-level, and it was my best subject in terms of performance. I liked the interpretation of texts and the fact that there was never any right or wrong answer. But I don't know if I could do a full degree on it!

Who would be your dream dinner guests?

Adolf Hitler - I'd ask him what happened in his childhood to fester such hate. I'd then assess him for personality disorder.

Alan Carr -he's my favourite comedian and would keep me laughing.

Sigmund Freud - I wouldn't be a psychology student if I didn't want to question Freud.

What would it surprise people to know about you?

When I was younger, perhaps 3 or 4, I lived in South Africa. My parents went along to a Nelson Mandela freedom event, and there is a picture of Mr Mandela lifting me out of my dad's arms and holding me. It's a very special picture, knowing such a honourable and just man has held me.