



Changes to UCL Sickness Absence policy, UCL Alcohol and Drug Misuse policy and UCL Leave for Domestic and Personal Reasons policy

6 May 2014

Following full consultation, the Human Resources Policy Committee (HRPC) has ratified changes to the UCL Sickness Absence Policy, UCL Alcohol and Drug Misuse policy and UCL policy on Leave for Domestic and Personal Reasons.

These changes will take effect on 1 June 2014.

Details of the consultation comments and management response are available on the HR policy consultation webpage

Sickness Absence Policy

Key features

The new approach is for condensed policy with clearly labelled appendices which covers process and guidance. There is one set of documents for both managers and staff. The aim of the policy is to ensure support for all staff who are genuinely ill and put in place prompt and effective measures during periods of ill health to support a return to work. We have expanded the guidance to include IVF and gender transitioning and enhanced guidance on disability related issues. Where despite support and any reasonable adjustments, sickness absence continues to be excessive we have fair and consistent processes for managing this.

Transitioning arrangements

Where staff are currently being managed within the existing sickness absence policy, managers should complete the stage in the existing policy. If absence levels remain unacceptable managers should move to the next stage under the new policy. The exception to this will be where the employee has got to the end of Stage 3 under the current procedure. Stage 3 in the new procedure will need to be followed (effectively the stage 4 level in the old policy). Managers should contact their for guidance where transitioning between the policies.

Alcohol and Drug Misuse policy

This policy has been primarily reformatted, but there are no significant changes to approach.

UCL policy on Leave for Domestic and Personal Reasons

Up to 5 day's leave for fertility purposes has now been included in this policy.

If you have any questions about the operation of this policy please contact your .

Fiona Daffern
Head of Employment Policy Development, UCL Human Resources Division