



Participants needed for research study into the effects of alternative drug-free treatments on smoking

24 June 2014

UCL Epidemiology and Public Health is recruiting current smokers to participate in research to investigate the effects of alternative, drug-free treatments on smoking.

To qualify for participation you must be over the age of 18, you must be a regular smoker who smokes at least 10 cigarettes per day and you must have every day internet access.

Participation in this study begins with completing a 5-minute online questionnaire.

After the completion of the questionnaire a free treatment method to increase self-awareness will be provided to you. We would like you to continue the treatment at least for 45 days. After that period, you will be asked to complete a final 5-minute questionnaire to end the study.

All participants need to provide their e-mail address for further contact and for the prize draw to win £100 worth of Amazon voucher.

However, all data collected for this study are anonymised and your email will not be linked to the rest of the data. If you are interested in taking part in this study, please click on the link below:

For further information please contact Ugur Hosafci at ugur.hosafci.13@ucl.ac.uk.

The study is supervised by Dr. Lion Shahab. (lion.shahab@ucl.ac.uk)

This study has received UCL ethical approval (No.: 5389/001).

Data will be collected and stored in accordance with Data Protection Act 1998