



EU and European careers event

11 March 2013

On Tuesday 12th March (6.

EU Flag (square) 00pm - 7.30pm) the UCL European Institute & UCLU European Society will give students an overview of career options with EU institutions, UK civil service, and relevant private and third-sector organisations.

The event will also provide an insight into access pathways and entry criteria.

Speakers will give presentations during a 1h30min panel discussion and Q&A session.

You will be able to watch the event live by clicking .

Speakers will include:

  • Ed Price: Parliamentary Adviser to Shadow Minister for International Development Rushanara Ali MP, formerly adviser to Deputy Leader Labour in Europe Claude Moraes between 2009 and 2012. As former financial journalist, Ed also written about the global maritime market for Lloyd's List from Paris and London, where he offered analysis of international trade, energy markets and shipping finance, as well as the economics of the Eurozone crisis. Previously working for the European Commission's Europe Direct, Edward is also a graduate of both the London School of Economics and University College London.
  • Dr. Christine Reh: UCL SPP Lecturer in European Politics; Programme Director MSc European Public Policy.Ìý She holds a PhD in Political and Social Sciences from the European University Institute in Florence, an MA in European Political and Administrative Studies from the College of Europe in Bruges and an MA in English Literature, Linguistics and Politics from the University of Trier. Christine previously worked as a teaching assistant at the College of Europe, as a research assistant at the Federal Trust in London and as an intern with the Permanent Representation of Germany to the European Union in Brussels.
  • Marley Morris: Researcher at CounterpointÌý on the Recapturing Europe's Reluctant Radicals project. He has an integrated Masters and BA in Maths and Philosophy from the University of Oxford. Prior to his work at Counterpoint Marley was at the Violence and Extremism programme at Demos where he researched on the 'Populism in Europe' project and the 'Ageing across Europe' project.
  • Chaired by Gergely Polner, Head of Outreach, European Parliament Office in the UK.Ìý He has travelled and worked around the world from the Caribbean to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Having returned to his native Hungary in 2000, he studied law and worked as a trial lawyer in Budapest before joining the European Parliament in Brussels in 2005. He has spent five years at the Visits and Seminars Unit of the European Parliament, where he worked intensively with members and developed a simulation game for university students and NGOs. He moved to London in August 2010 where he is responsible for outreach and public affairs with special emphasis on citizens' fora and network building with civil society and universities.

Image caption: Flag of Europe, by on Flickr.