



UCL in the News: Net learning

3 March 2008

Julie Ferry, 'Arabian Business'Ìý … Professor Andrew Eder is director of education and head of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Unit at the UCL Eastman Dental Institute in London and says that online learning is an area they have been involved in and developing for the past five years.

"We have three projects that we deliver over the internet. The first is in association with the British Dental Journal, where two articles are published in each issue of the journal and then dentists are asked multiple choice questions.

"It is nearly five years since we started the programme and there are now almost 12,000 dentists registered, and within the region of 4,000 people accessing the website every month. Just last week we had over a thousand visitors access the website from 24 different countries. Our research tells us that those involved find it a very valuable method of undertaking CPD and that it has increased their knowledge and changed their clinical practice. …

Other web-based educational programmes delivered by the Eastman include a higher level programme for consultants and specialists in restorative dentistry and the monospecialties which ran in 2006. Although it was aimed at a more limited audience, it still proved very popular and attracted participants from 16 countries.

In addition there is an online radiography course. …

"We have just over a thousand people who have completed the course," says Professor Eder. "However, what is interesting about this particular programme is the split between those who have done it online and those who have opted for the CD that is available;

currently it is a two thirds to one third split in favour of the CD, which reflects lingering concerns in purely web-based delivery." …

"Flexibility is a key benefit of this kind of study - it allows you to do this when you want to do it but you lose the stimulation and interaction of being able to learn with other people. Dentistry can be a very lonely job when you are just in the surgery environment and we find that most people like to come and do courses because of the interaction with their colleagues. …

"I don't think that CPD should be led purely by the technology but it should be there to complement and enhance what we are trying to deliver. You should always use the most appropriate method of delivery rather than saying everything has got to be on the internet," explains Professor Eder. "I think there is also significant scope for moving towards blended learning where you can do the didactic teaching online before you do the hands-on element - that is a far more effective method of using the net.

"For example, for hands-on courses like implantology, online learning can provide theoretical knowledge in a range of ways. In addition to delivering conventional didactic education delivery, you can also complement the programme with video conferencing to get input from experts around the world and it can be also used for mentoring purposes by setting up instant messaging between course participants and tutors." …