



Diary Notice - Launch of UCL Laws "Current Legal Problems" Lecture Series

16 October 2006

Event: Current Legal Problems Lecture Series Date: October 2006 - March 2007 (All lectures take place from 6-7 pm) Location: UCL Faculty of Laws, Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens, London WC1 (Except where indicated) The constitutional thought of the Levellers, the use of control orders and how terror and torture have impacted upon constitutionalism are among the issues to be addressed in UCL's "Current Legal Problems" lecture series.

Now in its 60th year, the series has long been established as a major reference point for legal scholarship, representing a broad range of legal scholarship, opinion, theory, methodology, and subject matter, and with an emphasis upon contemporary developments in law. The lectures are chaired by members of the judiciary, all are open to the public free of charge, and they are accredited by the Bar Council and Law Society for 1 CPD Hour.

The programme for the 2006-7 series is as follows:

  • Thursday 19 October 'The Constitutional Thought of the Levellers' Professor Martin Loughlin (LSE)
  • Thursday 26 October 'Redrawing the Parameters of Good Faith in Insurance Contracts' Professor John Lowry (UCL) (Note - Cruciform Lecture Theatre 1, Cruciform Building, Gower St. Please confirm attendance with UCL Laws)
  • Thursday 2 November 'Preventive Justice or Pre-Punishment? The Case of Control Orders' Dr Lucia Zedner (Corpus Christi College, Oxford)
  • Thursday 16 November -'Broadcasting and the Internet: Does Europe Need a New Audiovisual Media Services Directive?' Dr Rachel Craufurd-Smith (University of Edinburgh)
  • Thursday 23 November 'The Human Face of the Rule of Law' Dr Sean Coyle (UCL)
  • Thursday 30 November 'Buying Social Justice' Professor Christopher McCrudden (Lincoln College, Oxford)
  • Thursday 7 December 'Terror, Torture and the New Constitutionalism' Rodney Austin (UCL)
  • Thursday 14 December 'The Legal as a Current Problem' Dr Oren Ben-Dor (University of Southampton)
  • Thursday 18 January 'The Rights and Responsibilities of Age' Jonathan Herring (Exeter College, Oxford)
  • Thursday 1 February 'The Structure of Aggravated Endangerment Offences' Professor Chris Clarkson (University of Leicester)
  • Thursday 8 February 'Breach of Duty, Causing Harm? Recent Encounters between Negligence and Risk' Jenny Steele (University of Southampton)
  • Thursday 22 February '"A Compleat System of Knavery": Folk Devils, Moral Panics and the Origins of Financial Regulation' Professor Philip Rawlings (UCL) (Note: 6-7pm, Darwin Lecture Theatre, Gower St. Please confirm attendance with UCL Laws)
  • Thursday 8 March 'Mediating Civil Disputes: Judicial Policy and Mediation Behaviour' Dame Hazel Genn DBE (UCL).

Notes for Editors

1. Journalists wishing to attend are welcome to do so. Pre-booking with the Faculty of Laws is also required for two of the lectures - Professor John Lowry on 26 October, and Professor Philip Rawlings on 22 February 2007). If you wish to attend either of these lectures please email Lisa Penfold at lisa.penfold@ucl.ac.uk.