

UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


Panos Trogadas

CNIE Senior Researcher
Panos Trogadas

Office: Roberts Building, UCL

Email: p.trogadas@ucl.ac.uk

    Current research

    • Nature-inspired electrocatalysts
    • Nature-inspired electrochemical systems

    Research interests

    • Hierarchical materials for electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices
    • Mechanistic understanding of structure-activity-stability relationship, synthesis and characterization techniques.
    • Multilayer membranes for redox flow batteries and water purification
    • Additive manufacturing of 3D flow fields for electrochemical devices
    • Multiphase flow electrochemical reactors

    Employment History

    • 02/2017-present: Senior Researcher in Chemical Engineering, University College London, UK
    • 01/2014-01/2017: Senior Postdoctoral Researcher & Teaching Fellow in Chemical Engineering, University College London, UK (Advisor: Prof. Marc-Olivier Coppens)
    • 07/2012-01/2014: Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Engineering, Technical University Berlin, Germany (Advisor: Prof. Peter Strasser)
    • 01/2010-06/2012: Postdoctoral Fellow in Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (Advisor: Prof. Tom Fuller; Toyota funding)

    Academic History

    • 08/2005-12/2009: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA (Advisor: Prof. Vijay Ramani; General Motors funding)
    • 09/2000-05/2005: Diploma in Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
