

UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


Dr Diego Lopez Barreiro (UCL CNIE) awarded £70k Royal Society grant

26 February 2024


Dr Diego Lopez Barreiro (UCL CNIE) has been awarded a £70k grant for “A Nature-inspired Approach To Manufacture Complex Biomineralized Materials”.

Nature creates a raft of materials at ambient conditions, in aqueous environments, and from renewable feedstocks, that display impressive traits (e.g., ability to self-assemble, regenerate, or sense and respond to the environment) thanks to the synergistic action of cells and biopolymeric scaffolds. These properties are further reinforced via controlled biomineralization in some natural materials like bone, teeth, or nacre.

The properties and assembly mechanisms found in Nature’s biomineralised materials provide inspiration for the development of synthetic biomineralised materials with applications in e.g., bone tissue regeneration, organoids, protective garments, or functional coatings. This is precisely what the CNIE researcher Diego López Barreiro will explore in a project titled “A nature-inspired approach to manufacture complex biomineralised materials” that was recently funded by the Royal Society. To do so, his lab will 3D-print engineered living materials (ELMs) that host bacterial cells genetically edited to secrete adherent biomineralising peptides on demand. This project will build on the team’s expertise on recombinant protein materials and on silica and hydroxyapatite biomineralisation. Their aim is to untap the potential of biomineralised ELMs for healthcare and beyond.

(Photograph by on )