

UCL Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering


UCL CNIE Tutorial Review by Dr Yanan Liu published in Chemical Society Reviews

7 October 2021


Our Tutorial Review on "Mixed-dimensional membranes: chemistry and structure–property relationships" has appeared in Chemical Society Reviews (), co-authored by Dr Yanan Liu, () and Prof.Marc-Olivier Coppens.  

In this review, we propose the concept of mixed dimensional membranes (MDMs), which are fabricated through the integration of 2D materials with nanomaterials of different dimensionality and chemistry. Complementing mixed matrix membranes or hybrid membranes, MDMs stimulate different conceptual thinking about designing advanced membranes from the angle of the dimensions of the building blocks as well as the final structures, including the nanochannels and the bulk structures. With thanks to for funding our research.  Read open access .

Further congratulations to Yanan Liu, who has been a postdoc at the Centre for Nature Inspired Engineering (CNIE) and UCL Chemical Engineering for the past two years, working on nature-inspired membranes with superior anti-fouling properties, and will now start her independent career as Associate Professor at !

Y. Liu, M.-O. Coppens and Z. Jiang, 2021, Mixed-dimensional membranes: chemistry and structure-property relationships. Chem. Soc. Rev. DOI: 10.1039/d1cs00737h (open access).