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Upper Egypt province ('nome') 1


Deity recorded on the White Chapel: Horus

Note: the main deities associated with this province are the goddess Satet, perhaps the original deity on the island of Elephantine, the goddess Anuqet, a goddess worshipped in later times on the island and in the north of the province, and the god Khnum, whose cult on Elephantine probably postdates that of Satet

At Kom Ombo the principal deity was the god Sobek; as a crocodile god he was balanced at the same site by the god of order and kingship, Horus


Main cities in the province, with evidence for temples:

Abu (Greek Elephantine)

Sunet (Greek Syene, Arabic Aswan)

Nubyt (Arabic Kom Ombo)

Details of provinces:

Upper Egypt

Lower Egypt

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