

UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences


Student testimonial - Adriana Salame

The range of modules offered by the BSc Nutrition and Medical Sciences course tempted Adriana Salame down a sports-related career avenue, which was an unexpected surprise.

Adriana Salame

1 November 2020

Being offered a place on UCL's new BSc Nutrition and Medical Sciences course, I was thrilled at the opportunity of becoming a qualified nutritionist with an overlapping medical perspective.

This degree allowed me to build my own insight into the link between Nutrition and Medical sciences, a distinguished preparation for any career path I could wish to pursue.

Every aspect of the course exceeded my expectations. Our professors and guest specialists always delivered engaging content-rich lectures, extensively covering body systems in health and disease in first year, then the role of nutrition in modulating health through life.

All of my nutrition teachers was inspiring in their unique expertise, their way of communicating knowledge and skills, and commitment to exploring all our questions and topics of interest in depth.

We always enjoyed the practical activities that complemented our learning, and were assessed on real-life cases, both of which have founded our professional skills.

In third year, having covered all the specialist areas, I became passionate about the Sports Nutrition module. This has changed my career path from wanting to continue my studies in dietetics to instead delve deeper into the field of sports and the nutritional optimisation of performance.

From start to finish, this BSc grew my work ethic and independent thinking in the discipline of nutrition science. It opened so many doors and career interests that I wouldn't have realised elsewhere.

Adriana Salame, BSc Nutrition and Medical Sciences, 2020

Basket of fruit, including pear, orange and grapes

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