
Robert Peddie

1800 - 1841

Claimant or beneficiary


'Of town of St John, Antigua', awarded part of the compensation for the Hope estate on Antigua as assignee of a mortgage, and almost certainly the same man as the Robert Peddie awarded the compensation for two smaller awards also on Antigua.

  1. An unsourced genealogical website shows him as born Kelso 1800, son of John Peddie (d. 1840 Ceylon), and having died 16/11/1841 in Antigua, surgeon and brother of Lt Col John Crofton Peddie and William Henry Peddie.

  2. In 1840, Dr Peddie corresponded with James Gordon on the subject of potato grain. A memorial stone in the Anglican Cathedral in St John, Antigua, is dedicated 'To The Memory of Robert Peddie, Surgeon, Native of Kelso in Roxburghshire, N. B., Who died in this island On the XVI of November, A.D. MDCCCXLI, At the age of XLI years.


T71/877 Antigua claim no. 75 (Hope estate); Antigua nos. 770 and 867.

  1. [accessed 14/02/2011].

  2. Nautical Magazine (1844) p. 779; email from Robert Cutts 21/12/2019.

We are grateful to Robert Cutts for his assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Name in compensation records
Rob. Peddie
Louisa Francis Allan
Ann Eliza, Henry Roscoe, Phoebe, Isabella Louisa, Robert Allan

Associated Claims (1)

£1,751 6s 7d
Awardee (Assignee)

Legacies Summary

Imperial (1)

notes →
His father John Peddie died in 1840 in Ceylon, although nothing more is currently known about his activities there or if there was any involvement in Ceylon on the part of Robert...