
Antigua 75 (Hope estate)

26th Jun 1837 | 114 Enslaved | £1751 6s 7d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 309. The award was split: Peddie received £1043 15s 6d; Boddington, Davis and Boddington received £707 11s 1d.  

T. Boddington = Thomas Boddington the younger.

T71/877: claim by Thomas Warwick Hyndman, as the executor and trustee of Richard Garland. Counterclaims inter alios from Robert Peddie, of the town of St John, Antigua, under assignment of a mortgage of £1000 with interest from 01/08/1834; from John Jameson, of the City of Dublin, for a mortgage debt of £5797 7s 5d. 'Letter from Messrs Boddington & co. accompanied by the production of Letters of Administration of the estate of John Allan (a counterclaimant) granted to them and requesting the award be made to them by the description of S. Boddington , R. Davis and T. Boddington the younger'. John Allan is given as of St John, Antigua, transfer of mortgage and assignment of £3000 with interest at 6% from 20/08/1833.

Further Information

Claim No.
Hope estate

Associated Individuals (7)

Beneficiary deceased
Awardee (Administrator)
Awardee (Assignee)
Unsuccessful claimant (Executor or executrix)
Deceased claimant successful (Mortgagee)

Associated Estates (1)