
Capt. John Calfe

???? - 1808


Captain in the West India trade, a beneficiary under the will of Francis Degen (q.v.), settling in St Kitts and dying of Bath c. 1808. A well-sourced genealogical site shows him marrying Frances Julius (b. 1735) the sister of John Julius (q.v.) after 20/02/1775 in St Kitts. John Julius also had a natural daughter named Frances born c. 1755.

  1. Will of John Calfe [late of the island of St Christopher] of Bath Somerset proved 14/01/1808. The will deals only with personalty, making specific legacies of some £9,000. It is silent on real estate and on property in people.


Frederick Martin The History of Lloyd's and of Marine Insurance in Great Britain p. 326.

  1. PROB 11/1472/131.

Further Information

Frances Julius

Relationships (2)

Other relatives
Notes →
Probably brothers-in-law but conceivably son-in-law and...
Legatee → Testator

Addresses (1)

Bath, Somerset, South-west England, England