
William Walker

???? - 1798


  1. Will of William Walker [late of the island of Jamaica at present in] London gentleman [made in 1796] proved 07/06/1798. He manumitted 'the mulatto woman named Charlotte a servant in my house in Spanish Town' and left her four 'slaves', Clarinda [?], Mary, Dickey and Princess, servants in the same household. He left to two 'quadroon boys; William Walker (b. 1784) and Roger Walker (b. 1786), sons of Charlotte [and implicitly of the testator himself], a house in St Catherine and six named enslaved people. He left the six younger children of his brother Edward Walker of Gesting Throup in Essex £1000 each, and the same amounts to the two children of his brother Benjamin Walker of Wells in Norfolk merchant. Among other monetary legacies he left £500 to his sister the wife of Henry Wildman (q.v.).


  1. PROB 11/1309/24.

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