
Alexander Hamilton Cameron

1824 - ????

Claimant or beneficiary


A minor at the time of Emancipation, beneficiary of part of of the compensation for Mango Valley (which was paid to trustees), and under the will of William Oldaker also given £150 from the compensation for Content, both in St Mary, Jamaica.

  1. In 1851 Alexander H. Cameron, born Jamaica, British subject, 'chemist and druggist', aged 27 [indexed as 23] was living at 1 Market Place, Preston with his wife Elizabeth aged 27 born Lancs. and an apprentice and servant.


  1. 1851 census online.

Further Information


Associated Claims (1)

£698 6s 9d

Relationships (2)

Legatee → Testator
Beneficiary of Trust → Trustee

Addresses (1)

1 Market Place, Preston, Lancashire, North-west England, England