
John Luxmoore Bishop of St Asaph

1756 - 1830


Ecclesiastical pluralist, Bishop and Archdeacon of St Asaph. Although his ODNB entry is critical of Luxmoore's avarice, it follows other sources in its formulation that Luxmoore married 'Miss Barnard, niece of Edward Barnard Provost of Eton:' the father of Elizabeth Barnard, unmentioned by the ODNB was Rev. Thomas Barnard (q.v.), a slave-owner in right of his wife Mary nee Grey on Barbados.

  1. Luxmoore appears in a deed of 30/01/1787 held by the Hull History Centre in an unclear capacity: 'Assignment of mortgage securities. Concerning the securing of payment (with interest) from Thomas Barnard of Lincoln Inn in the County of Middlesex (deceased) by grant, bargain, sale to John Jackson of Burlington Street in the liberty of Westminster his undivided share or fourth part all those plantation lands lying and being on the island of Barbados. Also concerns John Luxmoore's agreement to pay off and discharge all interest on the said mortgage.' It appears likely that Thomas Barnard of Lincolns Inn was the son of Rev. Thomas Barnard and brother-in-law of John Luxmoore, whose wife was co-heir of her mother's 'slave-property' under the will of her father. John Jackson of [Old] Burlington Street was a trustee under the will of Rev. Thomas Barnard.


Cragoe, M. (2004-09-23). Luxmoore, John (1756–1830), bishop of St Asaph. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Retrieved 24 May. 2018, from http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/10.1093/ref:odnb/9780198614128.001.0001/odnb-9780198614128-e-17233.

  1. C/DDI/1/8 [accessed 24/05/2018]' Gentleman's Magazine Vol. 102 Part 1. p. 650 shows Elizabeth Barnard as the wife of John Luxmoore and daughter or Rev. Thomas Barnard.

Further Information

Elizabeth Barnard
John Scott

Relationships (1)

Son-in-law → Father-in-law