
James Legge Willis

1761 - 1817


Co-heir with his siblings of of Richard Willis of Grenada (q.v.) and then heir of his brother Richard Legge Willis. The extent if any of the family's inheritance of 'slave-property' from Richard Willis is not yet known: it appears that their father died there fighting the French after his bankruptcy in London two years earlier.

Further Information


Legacies Summary

Cultural (1)

The sitter is James Willis, here, as Consul-General of Senegambia, examining a plan inscribed BAMBOUK and signed J. RENNEL / 1798. He is dressed in a white powdered wig, tied with a black silk... 
notes →

Imperial (1)

Consul General
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Relationships (1)

Son → Father
Notes →
James Willis was co-heir and administrator of the will of his father Richard...