
Charles Hotchkin

???? - 1783


Slave-owner in Jamaica, and merchant and Alderman of Bristol, where he was Sheriff in 1759 and Mayor in 1774. Given as 'Charles Hotchkins' when listed in the Jamaican Quit Rent books for 1754 as the owner of 1016 acres of land in St Catherine, 475 acres in St Andrew, 400 acres in St James and 150 acres in St Elizabeth, total 2041 acres. He was the natural son and heir of Thomas Hotchkin (q.v.) whose will was proved 04/06/1717.

  1. Will of Charles Hotchkin Alderman of Bristol [made in 1782] proved 24/12/1783. He left detailed instructions for his funeral, and then left his estate, pen, lands negroes and premises with their appurtenances in Jamaica to his son Thomas for life and then to his grand-daughter Catherine, Thomas's daughter. He left annuities of £200 p.a. to his daughter Fanny and £150 p.a. to his daughter-in-law Elizabeth, both secured on the Jamaica estates and enslaved people. He left his house on Lower Green in Bristol, his household effects and his personalty to his daughter Fanny.

We are grateful to David Smart for his assistance in compiling this entry.


'A List of landholders in the Island of Jamaica together with the number of acres each person possessed taken from the quit rent books in the year 1754', TNA CO 142/31 transcribed at . PROB 11/558, proved 04/06/1717.

  1. PROB 11/1111/375.

Further Information

Thomas; Fanny

Legacies Summary

Political (2)

Local Government
office →
1759 - 1759
office →
1774 - 1774

Relationships (3)

Grandfather → Grand-daughter
Nephew → Uncle
Notes →
Relationship inferred by LBS. Charles Hotchkin of Bristol was a contingent remainderman after the sons of Rev. John Hotchkin under the latter's will proved in 1744, and LBS has deduced Charles was...
Natural Son → Father
Notes →
In his PCC will, Thomas Hotchkin formally acknowledges Charles, son of Catherine Wood, as his son and makes substantial bequests to him and his heirs from his property in England and real and...

Addresses (1)

Bristol, Gloucestershire, South-west England, England