
Edmund Pusey Lyon

1767 - 1831


  1. Agent for Jamaica 1803-1812. Son and co-heir of Benjamin Lyon of Jamaica (d. c. 1776), whose estate was the subject of the suit of Lyon v Mitchell. Edmund Pusey Lyon had been resident in Jamaica 1789-1801. Died in Devon 1831 aged 67. He and his family (including a son of the same name, 1803-1832) have a monument in Heavitree in Devon.

  2. Named as "my nephew and godson" in the will of James Ridge (written 1783 and proved in 1794), a connection possibly made through Ridge's wife's first husband.

  3. Also possibly Barbados agent, 1805-1823. As agent for Jamaica and Barbados, Lyon estimated to have attended 47 meetings of the London Society of West India Planters and Merchants between May 1785 and May 1807.

  4. Will of Edmund Pusey Lyon of Kenton Devon proved 20/05/1831. The will reflects no property in Jamaica, but deals with his estate in Ireland and Devon.


  1. Jamaican Monumental Inscriptions.

  2. PROB 11/1251/61.

  3. David Beck Ryden, West Indian Slavery and British Abolition, 1783-1807 (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009), pp. 54-5 and p. 76; Lillian Penson, The Colonial Agents of the British West Indies (London, University Press, 1924), pp. 250-4. However, NB that according to Penson's list of colonial agents (pp. 250-4) Lyon was only agent for Jamaica and was so between 1806 and 1812.

  4. PROB 11/1785/320. The will of his son Edmund Pusey Lyon of Sidmouth was proved 11/07/1834, PROB 11/1834/36.

We are grateful to A. Jane Williamson for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Married but no further details
George William; Edmund Pusey

Relationships (2)

Son → Father
Nephew → Uncle
Notes →
Possibly through Ridge's wife's first...

Addresses (1)

Staplake, Kenton, Devon, South-west England, England