
John Bermingham

???? - 1802


John Bermingham was shown in 1798 as the owner of an A[bandoned] S[ugar] estate called Dalgin [sic] 'a la cote orientale de Demerarie.' This was probably John Bermingham commonly called Lord Baron Athenry (d. 1803), but was conceivably his nephew John, son of Edward Bermingham and Ann Waddell, who died in 1811.

  1. Will of John Bermingham commonly called Lord Baron Athenry of Daligan [sic] House Galway proved 27/06/1803. He left his real estate, including unspecified estates in South America and the West Indies, in trust for his three natural children, Michael, Thomas and Edward.


Carte Generale...Demerarie 'Liste des habitations...' [1798] University of Amsterdam Library 'Suriname 1599-1975' https://hdl.handle.net/11245/3.38621.

  1. PROB 11/1394/269

Relationships (1)

Other relatives
Notes →
Either brother and brother or (conceivably) son and...

Addresses (1)

Dalgin House, Tuam, Galway, Ireland