
John Mayer senior

No Dates


Owen Pell, 'of Antigua and of 26 Fitzroy Square London' counterclaimed against his own claim for compensation for Mayer's estate in Antigua, 'as an execution creditor and as a legatee of the estate of John Mayer senior as owner-in-fee £5717 10s. NB this counter claim is only precautionary'.

  1. Likely to be John Mayer, 1st son and heir of Samuel Mayer of Antigua and his wife Elizabeth. Married Esther Wickham in Antigua, 19/12/1759. His son John Wickham Mayer mentions in his will a debt from Walter Colquhoun (father of Robert Colquhoun whose widow Harriet also lodged a counterclaim for Mayer's) of £500 for the sale of a plantation.


T71/877 Antigua claim no. 59 (Mayer's).

  1. Vere Langford Oliver, History of the Island of Antigua (London, Mitchell and Hughes, 1894) Vol. 2 pp. 262-263.

Further Information


Associated Claims (1)

£1,648 16s 8d
Previous owner (not making a claim)

Relationships (2)

Father → Son
Father → Son