

UCL Faculty of Laws



Mooting gives students the opportunity to combine their academic studies with the experience of being a practicing lawyer.

Studying law will probably be different from how you imagined it. We tend to think of lawyers as public speakers in packed courtrooms, cleverly questioning witnesses, giving heart rending pleas of mitigation. However, the average law student will spend most of their time reading in the library, writing essays, and attending lectures and tutorials.

What is Mooting?

In a moot, two pairs of ‘advocates’ argue a fictitious legal appeal case in front of a ‘judge’ or panel of ‘judges’. The winning mooting team does not necessarily have to win the legal case on the merits or substance of the law. Instead, they are the team which makes the best presentation of their legal arguments.

Why Moot?

Mooting is useful for developing the legal skills of analysis and interpretation, but also personal skills of argument and public speaking. These are vital skills for any studentÌýwho want to haveÌýa career in Law whichÌýemployers will be looking for.

Mooting at »Ê¼Ò»ªÈË Laws

Internal moots are organised by the undergraduate UCL Law Society Mooting Officers. Each year, the undergraduate Law Society runs a schedule of training for freshers, as well as moot competitions for all year groups. Students can compete in internal competitions, as well as moots against students from other universities. A judge or prominent lawyer always judges internal UCL Moot Competition Finals.

UCL Laws students have also participatedÌýin prestigious international mooting competitions, such asÌýthe Jessup, Vis and Oxford International IP Moot. UCL regularly advances to the international rounds in these moots – providing participants with a further opportunity to meet fellow mooters from around the world. ÌýÌý

To get the most out of mooting, a lot of work is required to prepare winning written submissions and argue cases successfully. But as most experienced mooters will tell you, it is well worth the time and effort!

Our Successes


  • UCL IP Moot Team reachedÌýthe Grand Final of the Oxford International IP Law Moot, winning the Allen & Overy Runner-up Prize as well as Nick Sequeiros-Engel (LLB student) winning a personal prize for being in the Top 5 individual mooters in Premlininary Rounds.Ìý
  • UCL Laws team won the UK National Rounds of the Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
  • UCL Laws Team reached the semi-finals in the global Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Moot


  • UCL Laws LLB students wins Ian Fletcher International Insolvency Moot with both Timothy Koo and Nikhita Nair winning additional awards as best spearkers