

UCL Faculty of Laws


The priorities of competition law in Europe: An Open Discussion

04 February 2019, 2:00 pm–4:30 pm


Event Information

Open to

Invitation Only


Professor Ioannis Lianos


Queens Building
University of Cambridge, Emmanuel College

About this workshop

At a time when markets are rapidly transforming; the structure of the economy is being reconfigured; the distribution of resources being called into question; the origins and locus of power are shifting; and instruments of control and accountability are being tested, it is no wonder that the role of competition law is being scrutinized by citizens, politicians, and industry. Old doctrines and approaches are being calledinto question and there is an appetite for new thinking about competition law’s role and approach in this new environment. What now are the priorities for competition law and should competition law take priority? To what extent is the mainstream model of competition law, based on neoclassical price theory and focusing on economic efficiency and/or consumer welfare, still relevant? To what extent does Brexit impact on the culture of competition in Europe? How should competition law respond to “populism”? Can an "effects-based" "more economic approach" survive? What should be the relationship be between competition law and industrial policy? To what extent should the EU system and to what extent should nation systems shape the debate?

The aim is to convene a small group to have a free and frank discussion reflecting on these challenges and anticipating the shape of competition law in the years ahead.

There are no speaker or formal panels. Instead one person will kick-start the discussion with some introductory remarks. At the moment we aim to collect views, and challenge and be challenged on themes under the following headings:

  • Substantive aims of competition law
  • Methods and Concepts: Beyond neoclassical price theory
  • Institutional Structure of competition law enforcement
  • Competition Law in Europe beyond EU Competition Law

The meeting will take place in the Queen’s Building, Emmanuel College, Cambridge.

We will start discussion at 14:00 and close at 16:30.

By invitation only event with limited places.
If you are interested to attend, please contact Professor Ioannis Lianos.


Professor Ioannis Lianos, UCL Faculty of Laws, Director of the
Dr. Okeoghene Odudu, University of Cambridge Faculty of Law; Fellow, Emmanuel College