

Joint Research Office


NIHR call for Diagnostic Evidence Co-operatives

14 September 2012

The NIHR has issued a call for Diagnostic Evidence Co-operatives.

These new centres will provide leadership in the evaluation of in vitro devices (diagnostic tests on specimens), generating high quality evidence for their use in the clinical care pathway.

Tests should be already commercialised or near to market - this award will not fund development of new tests. The awards will be for up to 5 centres in England, funded for 4 years at £200k p.a. for further details and guidance.

As the NIHR encourages only one pre-qualifying questionnaire application per trust we are asking you to complete a short form to declare your interest in leading a Diagnostic Evidence Co-operative.

Any questions about the purpose of the call or the prioritisation of UCL/UCLH applications can be sent to Jacky Pallas (j.pallas@ucl.ac.uk).

Completed applications that propose that »Ê¼Ò»ªÈËH is the lead NHS organisation should be sent to Maria Bartholomew (m.bartholomew@ucl.ac.uk) by 12.00, Friday 28 September. Applications relating to UCLH will be reviewed by the UCLH/»Ê¼Ò»ªÈËIHR Biomedical Research Centre Executive.

Applications which have other NHS trusts (Royal Free, GOSH etc) as the proposed lead should take advice from Jacky Pallas on how best to proceed, as well as discussing it with their R&D Director.

Click here to view the UCL/UCLH prioritisation form.