

Joint Research Office


Next RDS clinic for researchers planning to apply in January

19 October 2012

Research Design Service (RDS) London has now expanded the scope of its Research Design Clinics beyond that of the RfPB programme to include other applications such as NIHR fellowships.

The next clinic, which is for researchers planning to submit a grant application in January 2013, will be at the Wellcome Collection on Monday 29 October, 11am-3pm.

The clinic gives researchers the opportunity to begin discussions with RDS advisers.

Researchers are advised to book an appointment and send in an outline of the study beforehand. Click to book.

Booked appointments last up to 30 minutes and advice and feedback will be given on the scope of a study's targeted programme and its design.

A drop-in service will also be available on the day, for those who would like to come along to find out more about RDS London.

Where and when?

Monday 29 October 2012
Burroughs Room,
Wellcome Collection
183 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE

For more information on RDS London go to the .