

Information Services Division


Feedback: Gabrielle Selcoe & Benjamin Hayes, UCL Division of Psychology and Language Sciences

User story feedback on Research Facilitation. "Data collection is much more secure, and streamlined. There is less margin for error/mishandling of data."

Summary: Gabrielle, undertaking doctoral research inÌýthe UCL Psychology and Language Sciences, contactedÌýthe IT for SLMS Research FacilitatorÌýin mid September 2018 seeking guidance on safe and reliable handling of data collection with secondary school aged children. The facilitator arrangedÌýfor Jack Hindley, Information Governance Officer, to speak with Gabrielle to understand her requirements and provide specific advice onÌýinformation governance compliance and the use of the Data Safe Haven. Another meeting was then arranged to meet with Gabrielle's supervisor Benjamin Hayes who provided additional information necessaryÌýto completeÌýInformation Governance registration.ÌýIn mid October, the Information Governance process was completed, the Data Safe Haven project and accounts were created, and Gabrielle has begun work on REDCap for online data collection..


December 2018

User story feedback
Q1. What is the title of your research project?Young Peoples’ Experience, Conceptualisations and Perceptions of Perfectionism
Q2. Briefly, what were the queries or requirements you contacted us research facilitators about?I needed to understand how best to collect and store data of a sensitive nature from children and young people, that complied with changes in GDPR (2018).We needed to use DSH as this project uses identifiable data with a large number of participants who are children in schools around the UK.
Q3. What suggestions do you have for Research IT Service facilitators to improve on for a very similar request?None! Jack and David were absolutely brilliant. Their responses to emails were quick, and answered all our queries fully.This was the first time that someone in our group has used DSH and the advice and support we had was excellent. I think we will need less face to face support next time.
Q4. How far do you feel the applications / tools / services / advice we provided you with meet with your requirement?Perfectly. The advice was robust, and I guided through it step by step. Jack and David were always on hand if we needed them.ÌýOnce you understand the new terminology and how the applications work the processes are very good at meeting our requirements.
Q5. If you were recommended tools or services (Information Governance Advisory, Data Safe Haven, Research Data Storage Service etc.), how effective was our facilitation service in providing you information and getting your accounts?ÌýBrilliant. The accounts were set up so quickly. The induction to DSH session was also excellent (delivered by Atif).Very effective.
Q6. What differences, if any, do the recommended IT tools / services make to your research work compared to before you used such tools / services?ÌýData collection is much more secure, and streamlined. There is less margin for error/mishandling of data.ÌýIt is possible to have complete confidence in the tools and services from a data protection point of view, which is very reassuring.
