

UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Research support organizations

In this page you will find a list of organizations offering support and/or funding for Movement Disorders research.

Funding organizations

  • Aligning Science Across Parkinson's (ASAP) -

  • American Academy of Neurology - funding research projects, awards, scholarsips and studentships for neurologists (and clinicians in training), some available for forgien (non-US) residents:

  • Association of British Neurologists (ABN) - funding research and clinical training opportunities for UK-based neurologists:

  • Brain Research UK -

  • CBD Solutions -

  • Cure Parkinson’s Trust -

  • : student fellowships, venture grants and enterprise grants -

  • Dystonia Medical Research Foundation:

  • EU (European Union) Health Technology Assessment (HTA) -

  • Guarantors of Brain -

  • Michael J Fox foundation -

  • MRC funding opportunities:

  • The MSA Coalition:

  • NIHR Health Technology Assessment (HTA) -

  • NIHR funding opportunities: funds research focused on the needs of patients and the public - health, public health and social care research that is essential for improving the health and wealth of the nation. Wide range of funding schemes and themes:

  • Parkinson’s UK -

  • PSP Association (PSPA) -

  • The Silverstein Foundation: accelerating research andÌýdiscovering new therapies for the treatment of Parkinson's Disease in glucocerebrosidase (GBA) mutation carriers.

  • UCL staff funding opportunities:

  • UCL translational research office – external funding opportunities: www.ucl.ac.uk/translational-research/funding-opps/external-funding

  • UCL translational research office – internal funding opportunities: www.ucl.ac.uk/translational-research/funding-opps/internal-funding


Research support organizations

These organization typically do not offer research funding but are able to offer other support to ongoing research projects, mainly clinical research.

  • Age UK -

  • National Tremor Foundation -

  • Sue Ryder: palliative and neurological care research and its translation into improved clinical practice.

  • Dystonia UK (formerly: The Dystonia Society) -