

UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology


Teaching Awards 2017

4 June 2017

The Education Unit would like to highlight the following teaching awards

Clinical Teaching Awards

For the sixth year voting was held for the Djamshidian-Chinthapalli award for outstanding contribution to teaching (for bedside teaching for MSc/Diploma students) and the winner of the award was Dr Etienne Laverse with an honourable mention for Dr Karen Chung and Dr Rubika Balendra.

The winner for Clinical Tutor of the year went to Dr Michael O'Brien (eligibility was based on clinical sessions, Master Classes, and Case Presentations) with an honourable mention for Prof Alex Leff, Dr Wallace Brownlee and Dr Amit Batla . We would like to pass on our congratulations to Dr O'Brien, and to thank everyone who contributed to teaching this year.

Clinical Neuroscience Dr Tony Pullen Lecturer of the Year Award

For the fifth year the Education Unit asked all MSc Clinical Neuroscience students to vote for their lecturer of the year, in our attempt to recognise and reward our outstanding lecturers.

I am pleased to announce that Dr Ed Wild has been awarded the Dr Tony Pullen Lecturer of the Year Award.
Dr Wild is the fifth recipient (the 2nd time Dr Wild has won this award) of the Dr Tony Pullen Lecturer of the Year Award (the award is so named in recognition for the dedication that Dr Pullen showed during his time at Queen Square and in particular for his tireless support of teaching and pastoral care for students enrolled on the MSc in Clinical Neuroscience).

Honourable mentions to Prof Ken Smith, Prof John Rothwell, Prof Matthias Koepp, Dr Tim Wehner, Dr Tom Hope, Dr Adrian Isaacs, Dr Carmen Tur, Prof James Fawcett, Dr Christos Proukakis and Dr Jenny Pocock  who all polled votes.