

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Overcoming anxiety about physics in schools

An infographic to support teachers to help their pupils overcome anxiety about physics in school, produced from research by John Connolly.

"Can I Physics?" Yes, you can!

Physics people – all the people

Get your pupils to research a physicist who is not male/white etc. and the realities of being a scientist – things are not discovered immediately and there is a social aspect to discovery and development of knowledge.

Challenge notions that only certain pupils are good at physics.

Highlight what you found difficult as a pupil to help to alleviate pupils' feelings of isolation thinking they are the only ones struggling in physics.

(Image represents Subreamanyan Chandrasekhar and Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell)

Learning as a class

  • Try to discourage competition between pupils.
  • Avoid comparing pupils' performances.
  • Avoid mention of effort – higher effort expenditure for minimal gain amplifies notions of a lack of capability.

Power of success

  • Have your pupils had a chance to experience success in a variety of activities in physics?
  • Give pupils opportunities to practice their verbal answers with peers.
  • Get pupils to model their thought processes when answering challenging problems/questions.

Practical work – the realities

  • Consider how experimentation can go wrong and how this represents the realities of working in science.
  • Try some 'messy' practicals where there can be more than one answer, e.g. find the diameter of a human hair.

Overcoming fear of failure

  • Pupils can be frightened of getting answers wrong, how can their fear be alleviated in your classroom?
  • Encourage pupils to recognize that it is okay to get answers wrong – wrong answers create vital learning opportunities.

High resolution version. Infographic by Janine Clayton.