

IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


VIRTUAL EVENT: Fairtrade, global learning and business as (un)usual

30 March 2021, 5:00 pm–6:30 pm

Fairtrade Fortnight: Choose the world you want, with hands holding a globe. Image courtesy of Fairtrade Foundation Resources Library.

This webinar will examine how the Fairtrade Foundation have readjusted their successful work on global issues in schools in the last year.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Kester Muller

This event will look at the relevance of Fairtrade and global learning in a current global context that compels schools to explore global issues such as global health and climate change more urgently than ever.

Claire Arnott and Joanna Milis from the Fairtrade Foundation will share insights into how they have adapted their educational offer throughout 2020/2021 to engage young people with global issues.

We will also be joined by a teacher who has been directly involved in the Fairtrade Schools programme throughout periods of school closures, who will shed light on how these new approaches have played out in practice.

Dr Adam Unwin from the UCL Institute of Education will then provide an academic response and commentary, drawing on his expertise in global development education.

The session will be chaired by Professor , founding Director of the Development Education Research Centre (DERC) and Professor of Development Education at the UCL Institute of Education

Time after the presentations will be given over to a Q&A with participants.

This event will be of particular interest to headteachers, teachers, other educators, students and educational researchers.

DERC seminar series 

The Development Education Research Centre (DERC) hosts a seminar series to examine new thinking and discussion on development education, global learning and global citizenship.


Image: courtesy of the Fairtrade Foundation's Resources Library.

About the Speakers

Claire Arnott

Education Campaigns Officer at the Fairtrade Foundation

Claire joined the Fairtrade Foundation in August 2019. Her role is to create education resources, campaigns and events that inspire young people to change the way that global trade works.

Prior to this, Claire worked as a Primary Teacher in Aberdeen, Scotland. Claire has a Masters in Education and International Development from the UCL Institute of Education.

Adam Unwin

Senior Lecturer in Education at the UCL Institute of Education

Adam's main work has been in London as a teacher and teacher educator. His research interests include new teacher learning, the role of technology in education, work related learning and global development education.

Joanna Milis

Education Campaigns Manager at the Fairtrade Foundation

Joanna joined the Fairtrade Foundation in 2009. She leads the Foundation’s education programmes, with schools, FE and HE, and other youth programmes.

She led the redevelopment of the Fairtrade School Awards programme, and the new Fairtrade University and College Award Programme.

She develops messaging for young audiences, and produces resources and communications. She previously worked for a development education centre, and has been working in global learning since 2002.

Other events in this series